Thanksgiving To-Go Meal Listings Thanksgiving Restaurant To-Go Meals Your NameThis is for internal purposes and will not be published. First Last Your EmailThis is used for internal purposes and will not be published. Your PhoneThis is for internal purposes and will not be published. Skip this field if your business phone is the same as your personal contact phone. Business Name* Business PhoneThis will be publishedWebsiteBe sure to include the https:// part of the URL when you type it in or it won't properly link to your website. Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Price RangeList the price range for your Thanksgiving Dinner to-go meals Ordering OptionsChoose All that ApplyGluten FreeNut FreeVeganServes 1Serves 2-4Serves 5-8Serves 8-12Serves 12+Curbside PickupTake OutDeliveryThanksgiving Meal Description*Describe your Thanksgiving Meal.Last Day for Reservations? MM slash DD slash YYYY Facebook Page (Or any other social media account you'd like to link)Be sure to include the https:// part of the URL when you type it in or it won't properly link to your Facebook Page. Additional InfoAnything else you'd like us to know?Upload a Graphic, Photo, or Your LogoRectangular images without a lot of text work the best. Preferred Image size is 800x300.Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 1 MB.HTML code Δ