Help Me Grow Serves Ottawa County Families of All Incomes – for FREE
The Internet is supposed to be this incredible source of information, but mostly it’s just a highway of misinformation.
I’ve given up asking it questions like, “Is a 103 degree fever in a kid bad?” because I’ll be either told that he’s fine and could even go to school, or that he’s on his death bed and that I need to start making funeral arrangements.
You and I do not have time for the impractical parenting information from the Internet!
Thankfully West Michigan is flush with family resources, including the vast options at Help Me Grow Ottawa.
These are real, local people who we can rely on to give you accurate, up-to-date information on raising our kids!

Help Me Grow knows that parents and caregivers want to make the best choices for their children. Whether you’re a mom, dad, grandparent or other caregiver, you can take advantage of Help Me Grow’s programs.
From pregnancy to preschool, HMG-Ottawa can help you get answers about your child’s growth and connect you to programs to give your child a great start. And many of them are even free or low-cost.
Pregnant Moms, Help Me Grow Knows Highly Trained Staff That can Come to You for FREE
Have pregnancy questions? Help Me Grow has answers!
Their friendly staff can connect you with high quality area services that have experienced home visiting staff. These free programs and services can help prepare you for your child’s arrival without leaving the comfort of your own home.
I can’t tell you how hard it was to get to appointments when I had extreme nausea through my entire pregnancy, and had little kids to wrestle into carseats on top of that.
Having someone come to your home with pregnancy support is just… a gift.

And these home visits can continue until your child is five.
Staff will stay in communication until you have what you need, and you can simply call, text or visit their website to get started. (1-844-233-2244)
They will answer your questions, give you some tips for caring for your new little one and can connect you to a wide range of local programs for expecting mothers including free playgroups, library events and other parenting supports.
Using Help Me Grow Ottawa’s programs can really take the loneliness out of the parenting journey.
Track Your Kid’s Development With the Ages & Stages Questionnaire
Once your baby arrives, you’ll want to make sure they’re on the right track developmentally through age five, and HMG-Ottawa can help with that too.
You don’t have to Google your question and be flooded with a bunch of horror stories, and you don’t have to wait for an appointment with your pediatrician. You can know, now.

The online Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) is super easy and parents say it’s fun to take.
Simply answer questions about your child (often using every day objects around the house) and HMG will take care of the rest. Do it for all your kids and see where they’re at!
In a day or two, they will send feedback to help celebrate your baby’s developmental milestones, give some fun ideas to continue to support their development and even provide resources and contacts to help address any specific concerns.
This really takes the worry out of your kid hitting their milestones.
Find Quality Child Care and Preschool Options Near You
When it’s time to go back to work or to school, Help Me Grow-Ottawa can connect you with high-quality, licensed childcare providers and free and low-cost preschool.

Ottawa has a wide variety of childcare and preschool options that can meet the needs of all families including tuition, low-cost, and free; full day, half-day and wrap-around care. (A family of four making $34, 375 might qualify for free or reduced cost preschool!)
Help me Grow – Ottawa has recently added two more staff and offers extended hours so they can support all families in the area. For more information check out their website or find them on Facebook.
Kent County is working on a Help Me Grow Resource as well to connect families to the plethora of support services available.