This giveaway brought to you by Grand Rapids Civic Theatre.
30 N Division, Grand Rapids
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The “Revolting Children” of Matilda Will Charm You
Calling all clever, resourceful kids – your favorite hero is coming to the Civic Theatre.
Adapted from the beloved Roald Dahl book, Matilda the Musical tells the story of an intelligent girl using her smarts (and some magic) to make her world a better place.

Matilda reminds me so much of my first grade son. His teacher recently discovered what a clever, resourceful student she has on her hands. Each recess she encourages the kids to zip up their own jackets and she had been impressed that my son never asked for help, yet always arrived on the playground zipped up.
It turns out that rather than ask her for help (and be encouraged to try for himself), he would walk to the office and nicely ask the receptionist to zip his coat for him. He is clever to a fault (and exceedingly charming, Lord help me) and his creative thinking and ability to find loopholes would definitely impress Matilda Wormwood.
Precocious Matilda doesn’t let “being little” get in her way as she enters into the world of formal education, either. Despite the cruel headmistress of her school, Miss Tunchbull, and her ne’er-do-well parents, Matilda’s bright spirit flourishes under the guidance of her teacher, Miss Honey.
With favorite musical numbers, “Naughty,” “When I Grow Up,” and “Revolting Children,” Matilda’s story will stick with kids.
Hitting the Civic Theatre stage for only 18 performances February 28 – March 22, you won’t want to miss this heartwarming story. Due to the themes and some mild language, this production is recommended for kids ages 8+.

Grand Rapids Civic Theatre is a Community Gem
A staple of the community for the past 95 years, the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre & School of Theatre Arts is a community driven effort, with the support of hundreds of volunteers each season.
As one of the oldest and largest community theatres in the nation, the GR Civic Theatre takes pride in their productions and always delivers memorable performances.
You can buy tickets to Matilda the Musical here or call their box office at 616-222-6650.

Enter to WIN
Win a family four-pack of tickets (valued at over $100) to a performance of Matilda the Musical at the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre.
There are three ways to get entries in for a chance to WIN by commenting on THIS article. Facebook comments do not count for entries.
1: For a first entry, leave a comment below telling us one of your favorite childhood books.
2: Get a second entry by “liking” Grand Rapids Civic Theatre on Facebook and leave a separate comment telling us you did so. (Note: Only comments on this article will be counted for this giveaway.)
3: Get a third entry by sharing this giveaway with friends. Leave a third and final comment below telling us how you shared.
This giveaway will close on February 20, 2020 at midnight and the winners will be notified via email. The winner will have 24 hours to respond by email accepting the prize. No purchase necessary to enter the contest. Leaving a comment on this blog post is not a requirement of entry. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. You are providing your information to and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used to enter the contest and notify winners. Entrants will release Facebook from all liability. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age and reside in Michigan. Only one entry per household or IP address. Entrants may also enter the contest by sending an email to win at grkids dot com containing their name, address, phone number and email address along with the words: Matilda in the subject line. Grand Rapids Kids’ liability is limited to the value of the prize.
The Secret Garden is an all time favorite
The Secret Garden is an all time favorite
Two faves: My Mom read Heidi to me when I had chickenpox in Kindergarten. I devoured the Narnia series when I was in 5th Grade.
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The Babysitters Club and The Boxcar Children
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I loved reading Amelia Bedelia
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For my kids and grandkids, Dr Seuss’s “One Fish, Two Fish”. For myself, as a teenager, “Jane Eyre”.
The BFG & Matilda!
The BFG!
The Berenstein Bears as a child and Nancy Drew as l got older.
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The giving tree!
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I love reading Pippi Longstocking!
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Goodnight Moon
Old Yeller 🙂
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The BFG!
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My favorite books as a kid were any of the Berenstain Bears books!
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& The Berenstein Bears, The Boxcar Children, Nancy Drew, The Babysitters Club, Choose Your Own Adventure/Ending..
Cloudy with a Chance of. Meatballs, Magic Bus
The Ugly Duckling 🙂
the ugly duckling 🙂
James and the Giant Peach
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I loved Charlotte’s Web and it was one of my favorite books to read to my boys.
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The Secret Garden
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I loved Ramona Quincy series
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Favorite books as a kid we’re definitely Goosebumps
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Any Matt Christopher book (the sports books)
Anne of Green Gables is my fav childhood book!
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My favorite childhood book was “The Phantom Tollbooth”
I emailed this giveaway to a couple of friends!
The giving tree is still a favorite of mine!
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I read every Babysitters Club books. I loved them!
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I loved Charlotte’s Web
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Old Yeller 🙂
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My favorite children’s books is The BFG by Roald Dahl.
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I liked the Ramona Quimby books
I recall loving Bunnicula as a kid. Read it cover to cover in one day.
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I loved The BFG by Ronald Dahl and Little House on the Prairie books.
Honestly reading The Twits by RD with my 6 year old was hilarious, not for everyone but a classic for our family!
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Sideways stories from Wayside School
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I loved The BFG growing up!
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My favorite childhood books were the Berenstain Bears books.
I liked on Facebook. Thanks for the opportunity!
All of Becerly Cleary’s books…oh, that Ramona! I also loved Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White.
Favorite book as a kid: Where the Sidewalk Ends
I loved boxcar children books
I loved Charlotte’s Webb!
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a well read over book for me!
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I loved Amelia Bedilia books!
My favorite Book has always been The Secret Garden. And now I get to share that with my kids! My daughter absolutely loves Matilda and she used to wear red ribbons in her hair when she was younger! Already like Civic Theater on Facebook.
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I loved the Little House on the Prairie series!
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The Secret Garden
Already a fan on Facebook 🙂
I shared on FB!
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I loved the Babysitters Club and Goosebumps books!
I always liked the babysitters club books.
My favorite book was Harold and the Purple Crayon
My favorite book was Yurtle the Turtle
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Love You Forever iis my favorite childhood book!
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Love You Forever was my favorite book!
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One of my favorite childhood books was The Babysitter’s Club series. I also loved anything by Judy Blume.
Babysitters Club and Little House on The Prarie books were always my favorites as a child.
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I liked Beverly Cleary….until I saw some else wrote The Babysitters Club.
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I loved so many books as a child… but Roald Dahl was one of my favorite authors. And I think I read every single babysitters club ?.
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The BFG was my favorite! I also loved Matilda! Dahl is the best!
I liked Civic Theater’s page (and I can’t wait for Matilda!!)
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Where the Red Fern Grows
We really like the kids book “Seven Silly Eaters” .
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The Ramona books were always a favorite of mine.
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I loved Matilda as a child and read the book A LOT!
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I loved the Little House on the Prairie book.
The Secret Garden is was my favorite and still holds a dear place in my heart.
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The Babysitter’s Club series was always my favorite growing up
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I loved Where the Red Fern Grows!
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Charlotte’s web, liked civic theater and shared on fb!
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I Loved Nancy Drew Series?
I was a fan of Nancy Drew 🙂
Box Car Children was my favorite book series.
I loved the Box Car Children series!
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I liked little house on the prairie books!