Easy-on-You ArtPrize Trail: Hop-on, Ride the DASH, Explore Art, Repeat. Yay!

ArtPrize Egg Prize 2023

Hop On, DASH OFf: Art Prize in a Day

ArtPrize is a captivating showcase of imagination, artistry, and community spirit. But let’s face it, exploring all those exhibits can be a bit of a maze, especially if downtown Grand Rapids isn’t your backyard.

No worries! Our interactive map is your stress-free passport to an unforgettable day out at ArtPrize.

We’ve taken the hassle out of your adventure by pairing the venues with the ultra-convenient (and free!) DASH hop-on hop-off bus service.

With all the planning and routing done for you, all that’s left is to hop on and art your day away.

This guide is your ticket to effortlessly soaking up as much ArtPrize magic as you can in just one day. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the art!

ArtPrize & Dash Trail Map

Detailed *Instructions below map*

In general, start at #1 and follow the route. Green is the walking route, Pink is riding the DASH bus. Have fun!

Custom Map with MutationObserver

How to Use this Map

How Long Will It Take?

Completing all stops will likely take a full day’s time. The DASH bus service is designed to help you move efficiently through the route, but the time you spend at each exhibit will vary depending on your interests. Remember to account for meals and any spontaneous detours that catch your eye, too!

Starting Point

Begin at Stop #1: The Scribner Parking Lot. This is your starting point for the day’s activities.

Basic Navigation

Zoom In/Out: Pinch and zoom using your fingers on your cell phone. As you zoom in, new features/details will populate the map.

The Hop-On Hop-Off DASH Bus Experience

Whenever the route stops at a Pink bus stop sign, hop on the bus! The free DASH bus service will take you to your next location.

Information Popups

Click for Details: Curious about a location? Tap on it to open a popup with useful information about that stop.

A Real-Life ArtPrize Connect the Dots!

For the best experience, we recommend following the stops in chronological order.

ArtPrize is a one-of-a-kind event, and we want to make sure you get the most out of it. Happy exploring and enjoy ArtPrize to its fullest!

Note: For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out. Your ArtPrize adventure awaits!

ArtPrize 2023 Goodies

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