Michigan Winter Driving Class: How Good of a Winter Driver are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

winter driving quiz

Are You a Good Winter Driver?

Snow has made its inevitable return to the mitten state. What we want to know is, do your winter driving skills instill fear in all around you?

Or can we trust you to drive grandma, with a crock full of soup on her lap, to her next function?

For sure, during some of our snowstorms, the roads in Michigan during wintertime can put even the best drivers to the test.

So where do you measure up in the winter driving skills department?

Take this quiz to find out! (And yes, teen drivers and their parents can take this separately and compare results!)

Michigan Winter Driving Quiz

Do your best to answer each question.

At the end of the quiz, your results will be tallied and you’ll find out which kind of Michigan Winter Driver you are!

Answer Key

Michigan Winter Fun

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