Free Postcards! Send Michigan Postcards for Free by Mail. Choose from 5 Designs, Courtesy of ExpGR

free postcards from Michigan

Send a Little Love with Free Postcards

Here’s a great way to connect with friends and family around the country: send them a free, real, personalized postcard from Grand Rapids!

The tourism & visitor’s bureau in GR, Experience Grand Rapids, launched this free postcard system and anyone can use it.

It’s easy, and in the end, your friends receive a postcard complete with your custom message.

free postcards from grand rapids
One of the Free Postcards from Grand Rapids


Include kids in the postcard creation process. Kids love to give and receive mail and this can be used as a fun learning experience.

How to Send Free Postcards by Mail

Sending friends or family these free postcards is simple.

Follow these five easy steps to generate, personalize, and send your own free postcards from Michigan.

Step 1: Choose a Postcard Design

You’ll find five different designs to choose from:

Step 2: Type Your Message

This is where you get to personalize your message.

Remember, we’re filling out a postcard, so it needs to be short and sweet. You only have 160 characters to work with.

Ideas to include in your message?

Step 3: Fill out the TO & FROM Addresses Fields

This might be the hardest part of the whole process!

In today’s world, we often don’t know the addresses of friends and family because we usually connect via text or social media.

This is an opportunity to update the addresses you have on file for your friends and family members.

If your kids are helping you fill out the form, it’s a good way to teach what the different parts of an address are.

It’s also a good way for your kids to practice typing out or memorizing their own addresses.

Step 4: Submit Your Postcard and Wait

The last thing you’ll do is hit the “Submit my postcard” button.

After that, you’ll get an email confirming your postcard.

If you have another postcard recipient in mind, reload the form and follow the process again to create a new message.

The team at Experience GR will review your message to make sure it’s appropriate before sending it along via USPS to your recipients.

Your postcard recipient will likely have their mail within 2 weeks.

(Don’t worry about having your information added to an email list. Experience Grand Rapids explicitly states “We will not use your email address or your recipient’s address for marketing purposes.”)

Step 5: Check In with Your Free Postcard Recipient

Check with your recipient in a couple of weeks to see how they liked their postcard.

Hopefully, you’ll be making plans and get to see them soon!

free postcards from Michigan

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free postcards from Michigan

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