Trunk or Treat Halloween Events
Trunk or Treat popups are easily becoming one of West Michigan’s favorite Halloween events.
Vehicle owners have fun decorating their cars and handing out candy to costumed trunk or treat visitors.
Local churches and organizations put on these parking lot events, usually in advance of October 31.

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West Michigan Trunk-or-Treat Events for 2024
Luck for us, there are plenty of chances for kids to wear their costumes and collect candy at one (or many!) local trunk or treat events.
Use this list to find a trunk or treat event near you.
Have fun and stay safe!

Looking for more ways to have fun in Grand Rapids for Halloween?
Be sure to check out our ultimate Halloween guide for festivals, trick-or-treat times, and much more.
Trunk or Treat @ Redemption City Church
Saturday, October 28th
10-11:30 AM
Cider, coffee, and donuts
1533 Cambridge Dr. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Hi, just wondering when the 2018 information for Halloween will be available