Winter in Grand Rapids is a Blast if You Use This List of Indoor and Outdoor Ideas
If you’re looking for things to do when the weather is cold, we have a list of endless ideas on how to spend your time. From outdoor cold weather ideas to warm indoor activities, this is the place for you.
Things you can do Any Winter Day in Grand Rapids
Winter can be packed full of things to do with school activities and holiday events, but it doesn’t mean we don’t get bored some days. If you’re wondering what to do with your kids on these long cold days, look no further! We have ideas for every day this winter.

With our Event Calendar you can wake up, open your phone and find something fun to do before you even get out of bed. Our calendar is packed full of daily events for your kids.
With Christmas in the mix I’m always looking for something to entertain the kids but not break the bank. If you’re on the hunt for budget-friendly ideas, be sure to check out our list of free and inexpensive winter activity ideas to keep you busy without spending a fortune.
If you’re like me and off of work for awhile around the holidays, you’ll want to read all about what activities are available over winter break so you don’t get a case of cabin fever!

Snowy Fun in Grand Rapids
How many times do we tell our kiddos to go play outside? In the winter, cold temperatures, snow and ice may have you second guessing this request, but there is plenty to do outside this time of year.
To start, we have found some of best places around to sled, ski, tube, skate, snowshoe and luge.

Near the top of our winter “to do” list is heading to the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex. They also have a lot of fun wintry things to do–like a giant sledding hill and an ice skating path through the woods.
Snow shoes are a great way to entertain our kids while teaching them how early settlers mastered the winter months. Check out where you can try snow shoeing around West Michigan.
I had a teacher that once told me, “there’s no bad weather, just bad clothing,” and that’s the truest thing I’ve ever been taught about Michigan winters! It’s never too cold to go play outside–you just have to bundle up accordingly. We did a little research for you on how to dress for the chilly weather so you stay warm outdoors!

Baby it’s Cold Outside – Indoor Things to do This Winter
There is no doubt about it, winter in West Michigan is cold. And while most kids seem to be oblivious to this fact, many adults are not.
If you’ve decided to spend some of your cold winter days inside, try some of these ideas for enjoying the season from the comfort of the warm indoors.

When you miss the carefree summer days of swimming and basking in the sun, the next best thing to do is to find the best indoor water parks! Just want an easy dip in the pool? Pick a place from our Indoor Swim Guide so you can say yes to the kids when they beg to go swimming.
Our kids are so full of energy sometimes! Sitting indoors can really make them antsy. This Indoor Play Guide is the next best thing to an angel when your kids need a place to release some energy.
Michigan’s weather can be incredibly unpredictable. It feels like every year we have some version of a “snowpocalypse” leaving our kids home from school for days on end. What’s a parent to do on those unexpected days off? We have the answer! Check out the list of snow day activities you haven’t tried yet. Or get competitive with our favorite board games for kids and families.

Winter Date Night Ideas
Sometimes it’s nice to stay home and off the snowy roads, but after a while everyone gets the itch to get out of the house, even the grownups. Our kids come first, but we also need some time alone with our spouse.

Embrace the season with one of our winter date night ideas for Grand Rapids. Still stumped? Try one of our 101 date night ideas. Needing dinner suggestions? Don’t miss our date night restaurant map which takes the guess work out of where to dine! We use this all the time when making date night plans.
There are times when you need a break with your girlfriends (sorry, husbands). We gathered some of our favorite mom’s night out ideas around West Michigan just for you!
It’s Not Winter Unless You have to Start Planning for Preschool
Winter signals many families to start thinking about the fall – and enrolling their child in school. If you’re already thinking about preschool for your three or four year old, take a look at our West Michigan Preschool Guide.
Maybe your child is beyond the preschool stages he’s is not quite ready for Kindergarten. We have put together a list of Young Five programs in Grand Rapids.
We live in an area with many school of choice options. Our Guide to Schools of Choice in West Michigan will help you decide what the best option is for your children, even if it’s outside of the school district where you live.
As parents, we want what is best for our children. Which type of school is best for our kids? Our Guide to West Michigan Private, Public, and Charter schools will help you decide which one to choose.

Andrea Herron maybe it’ll be more fun if you come visit in January