Merrell Trail in Rockford, MI

family bike riding on trail in summer

Best Greater Grand Rapids Bike Trails for Families

When it comes to warm-weather things to do, going for a bike ride is a classic!

Whether you’re looking for an urban trail, mountain bike trails, or something in between, the options in greater Grand Rapids are almost endless. 

Use this list of the best West Michigan bike trails to help your family find a great place to pedal.

bikes at the beach

West Michigan Bike Trails You’ll Love

Training wheels or not, if you have a way to transport bikes to a different location, you’ll have miles of Michigan to explore.

You can do an easy one or two mile ride on a paved path, or venture out for something longer or more challenging.

There are many Grand Rapids bike trails that hook up to other parks or scenic areas, and many include ice cream pitstops.

Our family loves biking the White Pines Trail at Comstock Park and riding to Rockford for dinner and then topping it off with ice cream at the end of the trip back in Comstock Park. Find this trip and other great family bike paths listed below.

PS – Bike trails are just one part of the expansive parks systems around Grand Rapids. If you don’t have your bike with you, you can still enjoy hiking trails, parks & playgrounds, and even splash pads.

Park Managed by West Michigan Mountain Biking Alliance
Merrell Trail Bike Trail
8320 Belmont Ave NE, Rockford MI 49306
Trail Length: 8 miles
Natural Hiking Trail
Trail Difficulty: Moderate
Mountain Bike Trails
Bike Ride Best For: Experienced Mountain Bikers

The almost 8 miles of trail is built through an old growth forest: beautiful beach trees, giant oaks and maples, large ravines, marshes and huge side slopes.

Merrell Trails is well marked with arrows and intersection posts displaying marker numbers and maps.

Since it was built for mountain bike riders and consists of shared trails, it may be best to leave little wandering hikers at home.

The mountain bike trail is part of a larger park system that will eventually include ball diamonds, an archery center, soccer fields and a BMX park.

Expect to encounter fast rolling downhills, long climbs, berms, skinny log rides, cedar bridges, boulder roll overs and jumps.

The trail is closed to all user groups when wet or during the spring thaw. This trail system open to biking, snowshoeing and hiking all year long, including night riding.

More About Merrell Trail

Park Features

  • Dog Friendly
  • Free Admission
  • Hiking Trails
  • Mountain Biking Trail
  • Restrooms

musketwa trail is one of Grand Rapids Bike Trails
*image courtesy of

2 thoughts on “Merrell Trail in Rockford, MI”

  1. What a great list! I love riding bikes with my family and it will be fun to have some new destinations in mind. It is a bit of work right now because we have a tag-along plus a Burley and then our 2 adult bikes and 1 child bike to transport- that means we do a lot of neighborhood rides. Do you have any tips on how to get so much gear from point a to point b easily?

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