The Scoop on Provin Trails Park
2900 4 Mile Rd, Grand Rapids Township, MI 49252
natural hiking paths through hardwoods, dunes & hills
Trail Length: 0.8 mile loop
Trail Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult, sandy trails with lots of hills.
Dogs Allowed? Yes, but they must be on a 6-foot leash.
Facilities: Port-a-potty
Stroller Friendly? No
Time of Year Accessible: Open year-round from 7:00 AM to sunset.
Provin Trails Park in Grand Rapids Twp is a great escape from city life without really needing to leave. Provin Trails provides natural paths through the woods, up dunes, and over hills and valleys.
This iconic forest features little undergrowth, so it’s easy to see kids if they scramble ahead or off the path.
The amazing giant trees also have lots and lots of low branches for climbing.
Provin Trails Park is one of over 50 walking trails in West Michigan.

The Woods at Provin Trails are Wide Open and Hilly
This is a great place for kids to use their imaginations as they run the giant dune, climb the trees and play house in the man-made forts that dot the woods.
Provin Trails is also a favorite place for family photos.

If you follow the main trail around in a loop, it’s not quite a mile long, making it a quick hike.
While a shorter trail, there are inclines throughout. This has never seemed to deter my children, but sometimes I feel a little winded trying to keep up with them.
You can easily make it more (or less) of a hike with lots of smaller paths that twist through the park.

Provin Trails Has Lots of Unique Delights for Kids
We grabbed a pair of binoculars on our way out the door and saw lots of squirrels and birds up close.
If you meander far enough, you may even spot a fort or two constructed out of natural materials!

There’s a small dune located in the center of the trails. In the eyes of my preschooler this required shoes and socks off and plenty of running up and down.

Who would have thought you could find a giant sandbox in the middle of Grand Rapids?!
Provin Trails is a new favorite stop for our family.
My four-year-old liked the adventure of picking your own path through the woods and up the dunes. My toddler loved how busy it was: plenty of people to smile at as we passed.

I enjoyed the challenge of a good hill and the resistance in the sandy paths. Of course, our leashed dog was exceptionally happy with this trail, too.

Map of Grand Rapids Parks and Trails
Find your next outdoor adventure near you with our map of the best hiking trails, playgrounds and parks in West Michigan.