Outdoor Concerts & Movies in the Park are Popping up Around West MI
Going to movies in the park is one of my favorite summer things to do.
In addition to the feature film, you can often find activities, food trucks and other entertainment before the show. It’s an inexpensive night out under the stars and a perfect Michigan summer night.
Grab your picnic blanket or low-backed lawn chair and get ready to soak up the sights and sounds at your favorite park.
Have one to add to the list? Submit it to our events calendar here!

Movies in the Park Around Grand Rapids
Outdoor movies are the best. Here’s where you can find free outdoor movies around West Michigan this summer, but if you want even more, don’t forget the classic drive-in movie – there are many in Michigan.
Outdoor Concerts Near Grand Rapids
Meijer Gardens is famous for its outdoor concert series. But tickets sell out quickly for the big Saturday acts. Other options include their Tuesday night concert series or heading to one of these local parks for a free outdoor concert.
Are there by chance summer concerts in August? The last concert date showing was in July.
Lowell?? Used to be Thursdays. Still running?
YES! Lowell Showboat Sizzlin’ Summer concert Series 2016 is well under way!
Jeff Borucki
Diane Marie Anible-Jaarda
Sandi Key Stasko